Manoj Padhi

Manoj Padhi

Manoj Padhi

FansGlobal dba 4FANZ

More Human Less Web (Patent Pending)
(MHLW) Services
True Next Generation
FANSIAL Services

The year 2023 would be remembered as the year when the Web or App Only services provided by Big Tech companies were challenged by a giant idea that is superior - More Human Less Web - a Next Generation Service Category called FANSIAL Services by a company FansGlobal SocialNGN LLC dba 4FANZ (For Fans)


Today we are equipped with cutting else technologies like AI and BigData Analytics in Cloud and yet closing eyes to problems we face on daily basis. In greed to increase user registrations, Big Tech companies who got millions and billions of users really don't know how many genuine, bot or fake profiles they have and yet provide services like Facebook Market Place, Twitter (now X) Messaging etc. X might soon provide Everything as a Service to twitter users with lot of fake profiles and bots. The point we are trying to make is - in a real world, when bad guys are caught they are put in jail - what happens when bad guys target us while using the services in internet? Nothing.

Let's discuss a true incident with specifics. We had placed a too good to be true order on Facebook market place - Facebook order number 324255866784894 from a user Ryabb Prieto who had joined in Facebook in 2021. We placed the order trusting the bold claim - 'Facebook has you covered'. The item was shipped, tracked but when delivery date came - was never delivered. FedEx won't share delivery details with buyers who have never received the product, unless the seller authorizes!! A great incentive by FedEx to commit fraud! The seller went in to silence mode because she or he was a fraudster. A claim was made to Facebook and the claim number 5132746416849627 has gone to indefinite review. The claim was opened on 28 September 2023.

What is the lesson from the above? Facebook was a web service specifically designed for connecting friends and since there are lot of users, it started a Market Place disregarding the concerns of buyers. In the above transaction we have lost $280. Similar frauds would most likely be taking place when the Everything App by X is launched. And the fun part is - the companies are only focusing on how to sell more without showing any concern for buyer's remorse i.e. a Buyer pays and never get the product.

Google, Facebook and Amazon have grown in to something like an ocean, where no businesses can establish themselves as a brand and always depend on a random sales based on luck or by chance. In Amazon Market Place, many businesses have to offer free stuff to users to get reviews assuming some users will buy if there is a good review.

We know, unlike our city and streets, internet is unguarded without a gatekeeper and police. As per commonsense, when we know that our streets are unguarded, we need to have a stronger access policy for our home. We canÕt let anyone enter our home without validating credentials. For some strange reasons, BigTech companies didnÕt follow real world best practices and made registration simpler and no verification needed. The BigTech companies always stay focused on quantity of users and not quality of users because investors love the words billions and millions of users. When BigTech companies with billions of users donÕt verify users and promote them as seller by offering protection to buyer, we all are targeted, harmed and scammed by viruses, Trojans, spams , phishing and often lose our ordered items, bank balance and even life. In the aforesaid transaction, the bad guys invented, how to not ship the item they sold and had shown to Facebook that the item was delivered by FedEx, which is not true. Facebook will probably investigate forever because the volume of such fraud may be millions. The above transaction was $280.00 and imagine, if millions of users get scammed on daily basis and Facebook is not paying back their money in spite of a prior-commitment to protection, this should be a class action law suit but no one knows who else got scammed?

The Solution is Talent Promotion as a FANSIAL Service

We are going to demonstrate the chain reaction of Talent Promotion as a FANSIAL Service aka TPaaFS.

In 2020, we announced the FANSIAL Network as a Fan-Talent-Business centric collaboration network where Internet was Zoned and various roles and domains were attached to those zones.

Then, we had to zero in on an inter-dependent mutually beneficial business model to generate funds for talent promotion and building several web based premium listing and fan commerce sites around the premium domains in 36 different zones as shown in the above Wheel of Wonder diagram that shows the 36 zones. We made these web services complementary so that we don't ever end up in being greedy like other Big Tech Companies.. These services are complementary for only those companies who believe in promoting local talents or at least any Talent. Those who refuse to promote, they can't be part of our Premium Domain as a FANSIAL Service aka PDaaFS. In order to keep the PDaaFS a premium service and to keep bad guys away, we have decided to keep this listing and Fan Commerce FANSIAL services complementary so that when we notice fraud or abuse, we simply can off board the sellers or buyers without any legal repercussions. No subscription, no case.

After death of yellow pages, the search engines ruled for decades until the emergence of the Premium (Domain) Listing as a FANSIAL Service by 4FANZ in 2023 aka More Human Less Web Service. Here Businesses no longer need to depend only on a 'No Human Web Only' service provided by Big Tech companies with billions of users. They have now given choice to sponsor talent focused smaller events for one year and let the Anchors, Talents talk good things about that Business for one year. Many businesses considered this as a super lucrative launching year deal where for $500, they get introduced to event attendees, get interview opportunities, get a business pitch with a cool banner design and above all get listed in an appropriate premium domain. In addition to this, there are different tiers, when we do shows in theatre, they get a product or service demo space or virtual booth space on our premium listing space to show case their product and services.

Let us see. How did we validate this Business Model? Watch a few videos at and also listen to the Radio Promos that we did to get attention of corporate sponsors. We took over managing a defunct talent meetup music loving group n 2019, named that DBP and started organizing events (DBP Shows) at various Restaurants after COVID ended. Once we had a passionate crowd around 50 or more we announced an annual sponsorship at $500 for small businesses and $5000 or more for big corporates. Our event anchors talked about our sponsors and even interviewed them before our audience. We created active WhatsApp groups where the members stayed connected daily basis and they even formed smaller groups themselves related to music or lunch-dine out. Potential sponsors visited our events and watched music loving crowd performing. They felt obligated to sponsor such smaller events that big profit-seeking promotors would never do. We have returned the favor by talking about their contribution to talent promotion. Is not this like chicken-egg dependency? You may note that our goal is not to get more signups for our web services but get more and more sponsors onboard and utilize at least 50% of the sponsorship amount towards advance booking Theatres for whole year, Lease or Build Reality TV Studios so that even on weekdays we can create contents. If you take a look at the image, we have many other services where we use power of Artificial Intelligence to offer FanCash where $100 bill can have up to $120 buying power because of our algorithms of GrowMoney.AI. We are still gathering trading data as follows to improve our Daily Income and invest the amount for a day using AI - risk is all ours and buyers are awarded a proportionate income of the day. With AI in action with our researched algorithms, losing money is a rare possibility. In FanCash Commerce as a FANSIAL Service. What is the point in having power of AI in our hands and not able to grow our money. We are a research driven innovative company and we do things that others donÕt do or can. not do.

In 2024, about 30 to 40 of our premium Domain Listing Services would go live along with our LatterBox as a FANSIAL Service and we will be spreading to almost all the cities. If in your city, you donÕt have TPaaS or PDaaFS write to us at

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