CEO Today - USA Awards 2024

USA AWARDS 2024 - CEO TODAY - - 58 - As a global leader, what strategies have you employed to expand QSC’s presence and influence in international markets? QSC is proactively positioning itself to grow our business and expand capabilities and operations internationally. These efforts have been instrumental to better serve our customers and partners internationally, and we are continuously expanding Q-SYS in key markets as we become a truly multinational business. With some of the most capable and ground-breaking technology in the industry, combined with a talented and innovative group of individuals, we have been able to bring new products, solutions, and services to market. Can you discuss some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as the CEO of QSC and how you’ve overcome them? What achievements are you most proud of? There have been many challenges, but I look at those as learning experiences which are critical to personal and professional growth. I balance the demands of my role by living one of QSC’s core values - Work Hard & Enjoy Life. We believe that while hard work is essential for success, maintaining a balanced life is equally crucial. By prioritizing self-care and incorporating fun into our routines, we ensure that work remains fulfilling and sustainable. QSC itself is the achievement that I’m most proud of. I am humbled and grateful to have played a part in shaping QSC into what it is today. We work hard to assemble teams that are passionate about what they do, inspire individuals to thrive not only in their careers but also to find fulfilment in their personal endeavors. Since I started in 2004, we’ve evolved quite a bit, but the constant has been the people and the culture. To me, nothing tops that kind of success. How would you describe your leadership philosophy? How has it evolved over the years, especially in the context of leading a dynamic company like QSC? Much of my leadership inspiration stems from ancient philosophers. I’ve been studying different philosophies for years and through those teachings, I’ve been able to build a more meaningful life, both personally and professionally.

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