Regarding your career achievements so far, is there one that you would consider yourself proudest of having accomplished? That’s like asking me to choose which is my favourite child! I believe that the transformation going on right now is both significant and meaningful. I often think about the founding roots of our company with Gene and Kristine Hughes sitting around their kitchen table, when the wellness industry did not exist. If you wanted to take herbs or get involved in the space, you had to do the research yourself. You probably had to make some awful-tasting teas or some other miserable concoction in order to take them. They started this industry as adventurous pioneers, learning what they could, experimenting, charting new waters for the industry and also for this company. Here we are 50 years later, trying to reimagine Nature’s Sunshine as truly the nutritional supplement company of the future. That not only has to do with how we create products and what we have to offer consumers, but also how we work with consumers to improve their health – and that has to do with leveraging technology more effectively. We talked about the digital side to an extent, making sure that we can work with people to get them the products they are looking for in a manner that they want to buy them in, but we are also providing personalised solutions for people – truly personalised solutions. I believe that Nature’s Sunshine is uniquely positioned to do that, unlike a lot of other companies that talk about “People want ingredients that are natural and to work with companies they can trust, and those things are very important today.” CEO Today USA Awards 2022 - FEATURED WINNER - - 17 -
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