CEO Today USA Awards
CEO Today USA Awards 2019 - M A R Y L A N D - 26 responsive and more functional websites even faster than they can with the current versions of our products. Perhaps the most useful update is built-in ADA compliance. Our newest product, euclidPay, also goes into full production in Q1 of 2020. euclidPay provides integrated credit card processing and robust features not available via a third-party processor, including hardware/swipe support and automated reconciliation. At Euclid, innovation is part and parcel to everything we do – not just product development. Great people are the key to our continued success, so we are rolling out a new HR system that will help us attract and retain the best people and streamline the performance evaluation process. To support growth and streamline billing, we will be upgrading our financial management system to NetSuite. Perhaps most importantly, we will continue to innovate and improve our services. Right now we are working on key questions such as “how can we decrease implementation time and costs while continuing to deliver outstanding solutions to our clients?” and “what are the biggest challenges our clients face, and how can we help them?”. In our latest customer satisfaction survey, we sought out our clients’ ideas on how we can better serve them, and their feedback was incredibly insightful. In 2020, we will be implementing many of their ideas. It’s going to be a great year! Tell us about this award and what it means to you. The success Euclid has achieved to date is rewarding on multiple levels: we have highly satisfied clients, a great working environment, strong financials, and we play an active role in our community. As a company, we have received multiple awards, including being a four- time member of the Inc. 5000. This award is very personal to me. I have dedicated my professional life to trying to be an innovative and strategic leader that produces positive results for all stakeholders, whether they be investors, clients, employees or the community at large. This award helps validate the time, commitment and sacrifice that have gone into doing the best possible job that I can. It is not only an award for me but also my family and the company as a whole. Without their support, there is no way that I could have achieved the results that this award represents. What is the single most important piece of advice you would offer to a less experienced CEO? Good people are your most important asset. It took me a long time to learn the importance of having the right people in place and empowering them to make decisions. The value of people is not linear, it is logarithmic: 1 great employee = 10 good employees = 100 average employees. Just one bad underperforming/undermotivated/poor attitude employee can undermine a department or an entire company. Focus on attracting and rewarding good and great employees. Build your culture around what is needed to attract and keep the good; do not build a culture around accommodating the mediocre.
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