CEO Today USA Awards
CEO Today USA Awards 2019 21 What are the most common issues that large companies need assistance with when it comes to hiring? Dermatology as an industry has had some challenges over the past decade, with some notable negatives. I have worked to transform this image by differentiating Dermavant with our people and our product pipeline. I was brought on to lead Dermavant through an IPO, which I did and decided to remain private because we had the option to do so with private funding. I believe this move helped gain an unprecedented amount of trust from my team and credibility from the Street. I am incredibly grateful for such an opportunity. One of my main goals was to build a culture of trust and accountability and, as I mentioned, to differentiate Dermavant as we look to break treatment paradigms within the two largest growing immuno- dermatology markets, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. What have been some of Dermavant’s most exciting achievements over the past 12 months? I firmly believe we have the right people in the right places and have products that will transform dermatology. I believe we are focused and motivated, listening to both patients and physicians, to think differently when it comes to bringing products to the market. And the culture at Dermavant, I would say is contagious. People who come into our offices, or meet with us at congresses, or see us in our travels – they tell me you can feel Dermavant. Our people take it personally. While we obviously have our personal lives, professionally, we love what we do. And there’s a high level of accountability, drive, commitment, but at the same time, there’s this compassion, caring and this feeling of community. That’s the heart of this company. So, I think what I’ve heard constantly from people that come into our office, or meet with our teams for the first, or second, or third time is: “Wow, you can feel this company – you can feel what’s going to happen”. It is something special. We’re going to win. What’s on the agenda for Dermavant in 2020? Tapinarof, which is our lead product candidate and new mechanism of action, is currently in Phase 3 for psoriasis, and we are eager to report top-line results for it and continue to progress other products through the development process. Our product candidates target plaque psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, primary focal hyperhidrosis and acne. We also continue to develop into an enviable culture and a tight community. At Dermavant, there are really three concepts I think about when I look at the team and potential new employees – the heart, the mind, the soul. When we look at the heart, I want to see compassion, empathy and caring. When I look at the mind, I want to see how intelligent they are – both book smart and street smart – and what level of background they have within their career. I also want to see the scientific side of them because everything is rooted in science at Dermavant. And it’s important that we be fact-based and research- driven. The soul is very important. You know, we are very open, very direct and transparent in this organization. And we’re extremely driven and gritty. Of course, that comes with a high level of accountability. So, there’s this “won’t fail” attitude here – a solution-based mindset. And these things really to me, if I look at the heart, the mind, and the soul, are what make up this organization. What excites you about the future of the company? What excites me about the future of Dermavant is the vision of where I see our organization. I see us as this force of nature that can transform dermatology. When employees come to work every day, I know they are thinking first and foremost about the products we are planning to deliver to patients and physicians, products that we believe truly can transform dermatology as we know it today. That’s our drive and motivation – truly innovative, truly new, truly transformative products. And it doesn’t stop there with just a business mind or a scientific mind. As you know, here at the organization, we bring in physicians that are within our trials or within the marketplace to talk to our employees. But we also bring in patients. It’s important to listen to the people that are going to use your medicines and understand this world that we live in today. Beyond the purely medical aspects, there is a large managed care business side to it - we have to ensure that physicians and, ultimately, patients can get access to our medicines. Tell us a bit about the award and what it means to you. As a leader, I believe you should show vulnerability and not arrogance. I always ask myself and my team: “What are we missing?”. So, for me, this award means that the bar is even higher for me to deliver on the promises I have made to my family, my team, and the physicians and patients who eagerly await what I believe to be transformative products in immuno-dermatology. It’s about being even more determined for everyone to win. - C A L I F O R N I A - What excites me about the future of Dermavant is the vision of where I see our organization. I see us as this force of nature that can transform dermatology.
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